Friday, May 22, 2015


Friday, Friday, Friday.

I've been here a week. Woah. I am 1/8 done with my time here. I only have 87.5% Russia time left. I think these 8 weeks are going to go by very quickly. Anyways, here I am, Friday afternoon, 1:59pm. Peter (boss lab guy of Project 1) left for the day today because he had to do....something....for 4 hours (sigh, translations). Natasha and I are still here, as well as one other girl (who's not working on our project, but is still nice and talkative). I edited more of the paper this morning and will probably go back downstairs to finish it up before the weekend. 

I don't think we're doing much today, which I'm fine with, since it's been pretty go go go since I arrived. I should probably find out when we're leaving for the train. Balaban asked me to pack everything for the weekend so that we could just go to his house after work, and from there, head to the train. It's weird that this will be my third time on this Moscow-St Petersburg overnight transport.... I'll have been on it in so many different contexts and during such different parts of my life. 

Hopefully I can get a bit of reading done on it, since I'm sure I'll be up (per usual) until 2am. Tomorrow I am going to be very tired, but hey, maybe the lack of sleep will help me finally adjust to Moscow time. This was very short, but today is slow. I'm sure my next entry will be long since I'll have a lot to say about the family, Petersburg, seeing things, the train, etc. Hopefully I can do a post in the middle of the weekend..... we shall see. Have a lovely Friday to all!


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